Friday, September 30, 2011

The Great Unknown (The Story)

I've lived in 5 states in the past 10 years. If you count how many times I've packed up my stuff and moved to a new apartment/house it totals up to at least 12 addresses. The highway and I have a special relationship.

If you count all of my releases since 2002 this album is my 6th. I, however, do not count the first 3 of them. They were more like experiments and helped me to discover myself....or my sound...or at least a reasonable haircut. I think that comes out to about 50-60 recorded songs.
The Great Unknown is the album that I've worked the hardest on. Many late night recording sessions took place with, I'm sure, many pissed off neighbors. This album was recorded in closets in Savannah and Chicago. Believe it or not when E. and I search for apartments one thing that each place has to have is: a giant closet. No I'm not talking about a "MTV Cribs" closet, but one big enough for me to get in it with my guitar. In Savannah I am kept company in the closet by a very friendly and quiet water heater. Also, there are plastic shelves that I installed in this closet with ZERO studs behind the drywall to hold them up. All of my shit has come tumbling down once or twice, but luckily not on my head. This is where I make my music. Pimping isn't easy.

These last two album "Headlight Sonata" and "The Great Unknown" are my road trip albums. I want people to take from them whatever meaning they want. In the next few weeks though, I'll be explaining where some of the ideas came from. I hope you enjoy them. There will be more stories and photos to come!!

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